
Normal Frequency

Vibratory Hammers

Designed for your projects
Designed for your projects

Due to their robust structure, Dieseko Group’s wide range of Normal Frequency Hammers can be used for onshore, nearshore and offshore projects. The fixed eccentric moment makes this type of hammer a perfect fit for less sensitive, heavy duty jobs. Normal Frequency Vibratory Hammers are known for their reliability and power, especially when paired with an Dieseko Group Power Pack. These sets have been carefully attuned to each other to ensure optimal performance.

Our experts are available to help you find the most suitable Vibratory Hammer for your project.


PVE 500MU Upending Vibro

Recently, Dieseko’s newest offshore Upending Vibratory Hammer passed the FAT-test and is now DNV-certified for offshore lifting appliances.

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Not only have foundations become larger, caissons bigger in diameter, piles longer but a new line of sheet piles has been produced with greater sections, cross sectional areas and weights. The result of this is a change in demand for wider range of hammers. Dieseko Groups responds to this demand by introducing innovative solutions and new additions to our range of high performance Vibratory Hammers.

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where we sell and service Vibratory Hammers

7 reasons to choose normal frequency Vibratory Hammers

  • Excellent quality
  • Easy maintenance
  • Forced lubrication system
  • Additional gearbox cooling system
  • Open loop hydraulic system
  • Wide range of clamping solutions
  • Advanced iQan operating system
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Vibro technology is a proven method for fast and accurate pile driving.

The Normal Frequency standard range covers centrifugal force from 14 kgm up to 500 kgm. Dieseko Group also provides bespoke solutions by offering design and engineering advice to manufacture tailor-made products to meet your specific requirements.

A Normal Frequency Vibratory Hammer can be used to drive or extract a variety of steel profiles, such as sheet piles, casings and tubes. With a speed of 1400 – 1700 rpm and a fixed eccentric moment, the relatively high amplitude makes this type of hammer suitable for heavy soil conditions.


  • General driving and extraction of steel piles and casings
  • Onshore, harbour and offshore
  • Suitable for compaction
  • Suitable for most soil types
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Principle of a vibratory hammer

Elements are driven into the soil by generating vibrations in the adjacent soil particles in order to reduce the natural resistance. Depending on the technology used, these vibrations may vary from a limited spread to a perimeter of kilometers!

The dynamic weight of a hydraulic hammer or pile driver produces a high pulsating load at a low frequency. With a vibratory hammer, the opposite will occur: a relatively low steady load at a high frequency. Thanks to the low impact of the vibratory hammer, the risk of fractures and cracks is eliminated.

A vibratory hammer is used to drive sheet piles, pipes or other elements into the soil by vertical vibrations. The adjacent soil particles are put into motion and thus the soil is ‘loosened’. The dynamic weight of the hammer will drive the elements into the soil (extracting is done with a crane).

Fv = vartical force
w = angular frequency
wt = agular frequency πradian
m = mass
r = rotations per minute

The weights are driven by hydraulic engines. The eccentrics are gear connected to maintain proper synchronisation. The eccentric shafts are mounted in heavy-duty roller bearings. The maximum capacity of the engines is hydraulically limited.

Suppressor housing
The extraction head contains rubber elements (elastomers) to isolate vibrations from the vibration case to the crane or pile driving rig. The tare weight of the suppressor housing advances the driving speed.

Hydraulic clamps
As an option, the hydraulic clamp contains two gripping jaws, one fixed and one moveable. A cylinder, integrated in the clamp body, operates the moveable jaw and has a pilot operating check valve that keeps the cylinder under pressure in case of hose damage. The clamp is operated hydraulically.

PVE 200M
ICE 815D Normal Frequency Vibratory Hammer
PVE 150M

A team of trained service engineers is ready to commission Vibratory Hammers all over the world

Upending Vibratory Hammers


Excavator Mounted Vibratory Hammers


Resonance Free / Variable Moment


PVE GIANT 2000 Upending Vibro


Want our expertise? Connect with us!

Richard Willems

Director Rental and OEM

+31 (0)184 410 333

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Michiel Schaminée

Used Equipment Manager

+31 (0)6 15 87 96 66

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