

Founding the Future

This theme is the Dieseko Group roadmap. We have the ambition to develop sustainably and to contribute to reducing our impact on the ecosystem. This means that our solutions, products and services will continously be developed and innovated, moving us towards a completely emission-free construction site by 2030.
This theme is the Dieseko Group roadmap. We have the ambition to develop sustainably and to contribute to reducing our impact on the ecosystem. This means that our solutions, products and services will continously be developed and innovated, moving us towards a completely emission-free construction site by 2030.

Sustainability: our strategy

Running a sustainable business is of paramount importance to us. Dieseko Group has already launched many initiatives in the past, and we invite our existing and new customers to look at their needs and the possibilities, and work cooperatively with us to reduce the enviornmental impact of both our products and your projects.

As a market leader we have the knowledge and vision, as a customer you have the challenges. Together we can develop innovative solutions.

ESG at Dieseko Group

Business integrity; our standard

Sustainable entrepreneurship has long been a criterion in Dieseko Group’s business operations. A significant step was already taken in 2018 with the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) agenda. These ESG metrics are used to measure the sustainability and ethical impact of business operations; for example when selecting suppliers

Dieseko published its first ESG report in 2019. Since then, we annually publish out ESG reports to track the further implementations of our CSR and ESG strategy. The latest reports, published by MJ Hudson Spring, indicate that significant progress has been made in Dieseko’s ESG program.

Reducing environmental impact

Specific ESG criteria are aimed at reducing our impact on ecosystems and habitats. For Dieseko, this means focusing on three areas: limiting our energy consumption, making our production and products more sustainable, and developing emission-free and low-emission foundation solutions for our customers.

Sustainable foundation

Our innovation strategy is based on 6 pillars:

Dieseko Group has already introduced sustainable initiatives, such as the manufacture of OEM electro-hydraulic power packs, OEM and low-emission power packs. The i-Timer stop-start system, remote access, and remote monitoring are also sustainable developments as these have a direct effect on activities with environmental impacts, such as minimizing travel for service technicians.

Furthermore, Dieseko has developed patented upending systems for more efficient (offshore) installation. To adress noise disturbance, we designed a Sound Mitigation Screen. Moreover, Dieseko Group is developing pioneering zero-emission foundation equipment as the ultimate contribution to zero-emission construction sites by 2030.

Limiting energy consumption

By working smarter, we save time and reduce our travel. Our service technicians can log in to our machines remotely and do not have to fly all over the world. The solar panels on the roofs of the Dieseko Group buildings now generate 150 MWh2 and a significant number of our employees already drive electric vehicles. We also offer our world’s first zero-emission foundation rigs for rent to our customers.

Electric Hydraulic power pack in action
Dieseko founding the future flag

Social factors

Dieseko drives to be socially involved with employees, customers, suppliers, and the local community. Focus areas are:

Safety and health

We follow and enforce a comprehensive safety policy, aiming for a track record of zero incidence.

Talent management and good employership

With an eye on recruiting and retaining talented employees, personal development and growth have always had our full attention. We offer even more options for quick access to knowledge and training through the Dieseko Academy. (click here for Dutch information about Dieseko Academy)

Dealer development

Another focus point of ours is increasing the knowledge and skills that our dealers posses. To achieve this we offer trainings and support in products, applications, value creation, and governance.


In the entire chain, from suppliers and staff to customers, everyone is expected to do their part responsibly, transparently, and in accordance with legislation. Dieseko will also always stand fast in its responsibility towards its personnel, shareholders, banks, and other stakeholders and comply with laws and regulations.

Founding the Future

Our solutions, our products and our services are included in the company roadmap to further develop as a sustainable company and contribute to reducing ecosystem impact.

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