

Press information

Dieseko Statement 11-07-2024

Response of Dieseko to out-of-court settlement with Dutch Public Prosecution Service

Dieseko announces today that it has accepted an out-of-court settlement proposed by the Dutch Public Prosecution Service (PPS). The settlement is the result of an investigation by the PPS into activities of Dieseko relating to selling pile-driving machines and related parts used for the construction of the Crimean bridge and providing technical assistance with respect to the products delivered in the period 2015-2016. Consequently, Dieseko would have acted in violation of international trade sanctions. The settlement consists of a fine in the amount of €180,000 and a payment by Dieseko in the amount of €1,600,000 as confiscation of unlawfully obtained gains.

The PPS made public that it considers the settlement to be an appropriate and effective remediation. Dieseko acknowledges the facts and has rendered full cooperation with the investigation of the PPS. Dieseko has not been convicted of any criminal offences in the past.

Since 2015-2016 Dieseko has implemented remedial and compliance measures to prevent any recurrence of criminal offences.

Raymonde Wagemaker, CEO of Dieseko, reacted: “At Dieseko, we provide our machines and technical support to customers worldwide in a truthful manner in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and with sharp moral awareness. Unfortunately, this was not the case in the past in relation to this project. We regret this situation and strongly disapprove of it. We offer our sincere apologies in this respect.”

“At Dieseko, we stand for fair and responsible business practices. This is one of the guiding pillars in our strategic plan going forward: ‘Founding the Future’. In this plan, we, as Dieseko, define and promise to assume our responsibility in relation to our policies and day-to-day operations. Transparent and in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. At Dieseko, there is absolutely no room for cases like these. To prevent any recurrence, we have therefore taken appropriate and comprehensive measures. With this, we close this case and look to the future with full confidence.”

Based on guiding principles such as fair business practices, respectful treatment of employees and stakeholders, and compliance with laws and regulations, Dieseko has implemented a renewed and strengthened its policy on compliance in recent years. This includes, inter alia:

  • A code of conduct for employees;
  • A policy on screening of customers and third parties;
  • A policy on sanctions and export control;
  • A whistleblowing policy;
  • Proactive monitoring of applicable rules to ensure compliance with national, European, and other international regulations; and
  • Periodic evaluation and update of all the above points.

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