

Stresswave 2022 – 20-23 September Rotterdam

The conference will cover the application of static and dynamic test methods to deep foundations, including both driven piles and cast-in-place, both onshore and offshore. The practical part of the Conference, the Demonstration, Testing & Prediction Event, is scheduled for the last day, September 23rd, on the Maasvlakte in Rotterdam. During this day piles with onshore and offshore dimensions will be installed in several different manners, pile testing will take place as part of a research project, and innovative installation and testing methods will be demonstrated. This day will be an event on its own to remember.

Conference Objectives and Themes

The main objective of the conference is to create a forum for the exchange of knowledge, ideas and experience regarding the application of stress-wave theory to piles, subsoil and foundation engineering, as well as developments in Design and Testing Methods for these applications. The conference intends to bring together researchers, equipment manufacturers, installation contractors, as well as design and testing engineers.

In order to give all participants the opportunity to present, the conference format will include concurrent sessions, with plenary sessions for invited keynote speakers, and the presentation and discussion of selected papers.

Meet us at the Dieseko Group booth 22