
Our newest strategic pillar


Circularity at Dieseko

At Dieseko, we like to look to the future, whether that’s with our product innovations – or with our aims. For years we have already focused our efforts on, and have innovated in, the fields of zero-emission, noise reduction, and limiting vibrations to minimize our impacts on areas surrounding the construction site and working towards a better and cleaner tomorrow. Our next step to get there is circularity.

We produce alot of equipment and see how much usage they get – but know that their usage lifespans exceed their aesthetic purposes, and thus aim to refurbish previously used equipment so that they can become useful once again. Consequently limiting the amount of equipment going to waste, and re-circulating our high-quality equipment.

An ICE 700 power pack refurbished and refinished in Poland

A three-way approach

We offer circularity in 3 different ways 

  1. Through our Premium Occassions and Pre-owned Equipment  
  2. Offering maintenance and servicing of your current equipment 
  3. Trade-in possibilities* for: 
    • Power Packs 
    • Vibratory Hammers 
    • Woltman Rigs 

*Also for non-Dieseko equipment 


Premium Occassions 

Premium Occassions is our term for pre-owned equipment that has been entirely refurbished and re-done. This equipment can be tailor-made to fit your specific needs and wants, whether aesthetically or in regards to specs.

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What we offer as Dieseko

At Dieseko we have 50 years of in-house experience building and innovating foundation equipment, and have always done so at the highest standard. Thus, by entrusting us with the maintenance or servicing of your used equipment or choosing one of our premium occassions, you can expect: 

Equipment that is fully checked and/or repaired with original components
3-month warranties on our Premium Occasions
Custom refurbishments (including aesthetically, and in regard to specs.)
Guarantee that the premium products adhere to Dieseko’s own highest quality standards

With over 50 years of experience in building equipment of the highest quality, you can trust us with giving a second-life to used equipment

How it's circular

Our aim is to allow used equipment to have a second-life.  Through our circularity concept we extend the lifecycle of equipment, allowing for the optimum use of high-quality parts that can still be used. We take in used equipment, check it- or refurbish it, and send it out for use again. Because we re-use parts, we also produce less waste and use less raw materials. Once equipment is checked by Dieseko, you can be sure that it adheres to our highest standards.  

Furthermore, there is the possibility of adding more sustainable elements to the equipment, for example, our stop/start system, or working with biodegradable oils. 

Maintenance of a PVE vibratory hammer

Refurbishing of a PVE powerpack

Want more information? Connect with our experts

Michiel Schaminée

Used Equipment Manager

+31 (0)6 15 87 96 66

Email me